Upcoming Bus Service Changes
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In addition to our yearly bus network reviews, we are constantly working with operators to monitor services and make improvements where we can. To increase the efficiency of the network, bus operators may make minor changes to their services throughout the year.
Bus operators must register these changes with us six weeks in advance, but occasionally urgent changes will have less notice. Below is a list of all changes we have been made aware of.
We work to update our online timetables, journey planner, and at-stop information before the change date, however this is not always possible. Please check your journey before you travel to ensure you have the most up-to-date information.
Some bus routes will change operator.
Nbus is now the only ticket for bus travel and can be used on any operator in the West Midlands.
Changes to service numbers 1 to 10
From Sunday 29th September, there will be changes to services 54/54A and 89.
Both services will be re-routed to serve the main hospital entrance on Grove Lane and provide direct access for patients and staff.
Service 54 will be the fastest service from West Bromwich. Service 89 will provide journeys and direct links from the Smethwick and Londonderry areas.
The service 54/54A is revised to operate a common route, with all journeys numbered service 54.
As a result, there will be some small sections of route currently served by service 54A which will no longer be served:
- The section of route along Hurst Road, Salop Road, Edmonds Road, and Pottery Road is withdrawn – this section will continue to be served by services 13, 13A, 22, and 48A.
- The section of the route along William Road between Thimblemill Road and Queens Road is withdrawn – this section will continue to be served by services 48 and 48A.
Click here to view service 54 timetable
Service 89 is revised to terminate at The Midland Metropolitan Hospital and therefore will no longer serve Bearwood.
The section of route between Church Road and Bearwood via Bearwood Road, High Street, Shireland Road, Portland Road, City Road, Sandon Road, Rutland Road is withdrawn." - Alternate provision is 11A, 11C, 12, 12A, 13, 13A and 80.
Click here to view service 89 timetable
For further details about the Midland Metropolitan Hospital opening, please visit the Sandwell and West Birmingham NHS Trust website click here.
From Sunday 7th April until autumn 2024, there will be changes to bus stops around Birmingham City Centre as Metro extension works begin on Moor Street Queensway.
Routes affected:
- 2/3
- 4/4A
- 5
- 6
- 16/16A
- 23/24
- 33
- 35
- 45/47
- 66
- 67
- 68
- 82/87
- 97
- 907/907A
- 934 935 936 937 937A
- 997/997S
Remember to check your journey regularly using the TfWM Journey Planner.
From Sunday 29th September, this National Express service will be operating on a revised timetable.
Changes to service numbers 11 to 25
Changes to service numbes 26 to 50
From Sunday 29th September, this National Express service will be operating on a revised timetable.
Changes to service numbers 51 to 90
From Monday 16th September, Let's GO will be operating this service alongside National Express, on an infrequent timetable.
There will be no change to the NX service 59.
From Sunday 29th September, this National Express service will be operating on a revised timetable.
From Sunday 29th September, this National Express service will be operating on a revised timetable.
From Sunday 29th September, these National Express services will be operating on a revised timetable.
Changes to service numbers 91 to 1000
Changes to service numbers A to Z
Due to roadworks and the closure of Birmingham Rd, from Monday, September 16th, until Sunday, November 17th, 2024, this Stagecoach service will be operating on a diversion.