Discounts and free travel passes
We offer lots of discounts and passes. Children under the age of 5 can travel for free. You can get cheaper fares for children over 5 and under 16. Use our ticket finder to search for child tickets.
You'll need to pay an adult fare if you're 16 or over unless you qualify for one of these discounts, or passes.
Older person's travel pass
If you’re eligible, you can get free off-peak bus, train and tram travel in the West Midlands.
Disabled person's travel pass
If you’re eligible, you can get free off-peak bus, train and tram travel in the West Midlands.
Child photocard
Swift child photocards are for children over 5 and under 16. You can get 50% off the adult rate with a child photocard.
16-18 photocard
You can get 50% off travel to school, college or work if you’re eligible.
Discounts for students
Students in full-time education can get travel discounts.
Cheaper travel to work
Get discounted travel for 3 months when you start a new job if you're eligible.
£1 tickets for friends and family
If you have an nNetwork or nTrain season ticket, you can take 1 adult and up to 2 children with you on the train for £1 return.
Care Leavers Discount
Are you a care-leaver who is looking to travel within the West Midlands?