Mobility hubs
Mobility hubs offer a range of transport options in one place. They will be known regionally as Local Travel Points. We will begin to introduce them in 2024. They will open at key locations including high streets, rail and bus stations, housing developments, and community centres.
What will mobility hubs offer?
We will tailor what's available at each site to match local need. The services will include:
- shared transport services, like WM Cycle Hire and car share, EV charging points
- support for active travel, including tool stations and secure cycle parking
- public space with greenery, seating, and shelter
- local information, including timetables, walking maps, and notice boards
- wider services to help you live locally, from parcel lockers to coffee carts.
Mobility hubs have great potential to help us make progress towards our emerging vision for the region. Hubs aim to:
- improve access to your local area by offering affordable and easy-to-use vehicles for short-distance trips
- build community focal points around sustainable travel so that new users are introduced to green transport modes
- ease public transport trips by providing new ways to travel from rail, bus and metro stops to your destination
- enhance the shared transport experience by creating highly-visible points where you know you can pick up a ride.
The Halesowen Mobility Hub Pilot
In 2024, we will introduce a 'mini-network' of three hubs in Halesowen for one year. The pilot has been planned in partnership with Black Country Transport and Dudley Council. It will allow us to measure the impact of mobility hubs so that we can plan whether and how to introduce more hubs in future. The project is fully-funded by the Department for Transport-sponsored Future Transport Zone.
Other recent activity
- Procurement (October 2022 - July 2023). We appointed a supplier to design, manufacture, and deliver three hubs for the pilot in Halesowen. The invitation was advertised on Bravo, our online tendering portal
- Engagement (November 2022). We discussed the plan with residents and potential collaborators at the Halesowen mobility hub pilot drop-in session
- The concept development programme (Summer 2021). We designed and built the West Midlands mobility hub prototype
- The prototype roadshow (Autumn 2021 to Spring 2022). We tested the prototype at a series of conferences and local events
Next steps
- Recruit user panel to help shape the pilot (Summer 2023)
Further information
- Member engagement group presentation, WMCA
- New mobility hub set for trial on the streets of the West Midlands, WMCA
- Mobility Hubs, CoMoUK

Local Travel Points Commonplace
Three new green public spaces with bike hire, car clubs and more. Opening in spring 2024. Find out more and have your say!

Community Art Project with Tom Hicks
Ikon, in partnership with Transport for West Midlands, has commissioned Black Country artist Tom Hicks to co-create a new public sculpture with members of the local community at the Cross Street Local Travel Point in Halesowen. Find out more.
Apply to use a cycle hangar
As part of our launch, we're offering six months free pass. Complete the form here.
Report an issue
Have you seen something that doesn't look quite right? Click here to report the issue using our form.
West Midlands Cycle Hire
Find out more about our West Midlands Cycle Hire service!
Do you live in Halesowen?
Apply here to win a free voucher code with West Midlands Cycle Hire