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Reimagining transport in the West Midlands

Reimagining transport in the West Midlands

We are updating our Local Transport Plan (LTP). This is a document that sets out policies to promote safe, integrated, efficient and economic transport to, from and within our area as well as plans to implement those policies.  

Publishing and reviewing the LTP is one of our core statutory duties as the transport arm of the West Midlands Combined Authority, the Local Transport Authority, for the area covered by the West Midlands seven metropolitan districts/boroughs.

The West Midlands is a diverse region; we have a mix of different urban and rural communities. We need a transport system that allows us to deliver the best quality of life for all of our residents and businesses.

In order to develop a transport system that is fair for everyone, we need a plan for the future which balances the needs to provide access with the harmful impacts that transport can have on people and places.

By having a plan that addresses our region’s issues we can ensure transport better supports our daily lives now, as well as leaving a better legacy for the future.

The new LTP will be set out across a number of documents addressing different stages of the plan making process, and addressing particular issues.

  • Core Strategy – the core strategy will set out the overarching aims, vision, approach and framework for action across the region.
  • 6 Big Moves – we will publish detailed policies and principles across 6 Big Moves, six thematic areas for action across the region that will help deliver our aims.
  • 4 Area Strategies – the Area Strategies will set out detailed plans about how actions from the 6 Big Moves will be applied across the diverse places of the West Midlands, accounting for local views, issues and opportunities.
  • Implementation Plan – the Implementation Plan will take all the actions that we identify as being needed across the 6 Big Moves and 4 Area Strategies and prioritise and plan their delivery based on the resources we have available and their contribution towards LTP aims.

Apart from the Core Strategy, the LTP will be a living document and will be updated and amended with new policies and implementation proposals periodically.

We have agreed our Core Strategy for the new LTP.

It proposes a new vision for travel in the West Midlands where people can thrive without having to drive or own a car.

To get there the Core Strategy sets out the need for actions to help us improve accessibility, reduce traffic, and electrify transport.

Read the Full Core Strategy 

Read the Summary of the Core Strategy 

Read the Engagement Report for the Core Strategy

Our 6 Big Moves are 6 detailed areas of thematic policy for the whole region.

We have developed our draft Big Moves and are currently consulting on them.

Find out more about our draft Big Moves, or you can read our summary.

We are planning to develop four Area Strategies for the West Midlands covering the Black Country, Birmingham, Solihull and Coventry.

These documents will set out our approach to improving transport across different places in our region and what actions need to be taken where to get us there.

We have developed a Area Strategy Guidance and will consult on the Area Strategies later in 2023.

Read the Area Strategy Guidance in full. 

Read the Summary of the Area Strategy Guidance

In the Summer of 2021, we opened up a conversation with our citizens over how we could reimagine transport in the West Midlands to deliver Inclusive Growth; sustainable and equitable growth where all citizens can shape, contribute and benefit from the advancement of the region.

Read the 2021 Green Paper in full. 

Read the Summary of the 2021 Green Paper.

Read the Engagement Report for the 2021 Green Paper.

Alongside the development of our LTP, we have conducted a number of statutory assessments of its impacts.

Integrated Sustainability Appraisal (ISA) is prepared to fulfil the requirements of Sustainability Appraisal / Strategic Environmental Assessment (SA/SEA), Health Impact Assessment (HIA), Equality Impact Assessment (EqIA) and Community Safety Assessment (CSA). We developed an ISA report to appraise our Core Strategy, however, it also establishes a framework for appraising the likely sustainability effects of other components of the LTP. The ISA objectives can also be used for assessing implementation proposals as they are taken forward.

In addition, we have undertaken a Habitats Regulation Assessment (HRA) as a parallel process to the ISA.

TfWM LTP5 ISA Non Technical Summary

TfWM LTP5 ISA Report

ISA Report Appendices

TfWM LTP5 Habitats Regulations Assessment V2

TfWM LTP5 ISA Consideration of Big Moves

Further appraisals and assessments will be undertaken as other components of the LTP are developed.

View and download all related documents

This page contains information on our new emerging LTP

As elements of the new LTP are agreed by WMCA board they will shape the direction of transport policy in our area. Once all elements are agreed, the new LTP will also be formally adopted as the West Midlands’ fifth LTP, replacing the previous version as the region’s statutory LTP.

Read our current adopted LTP, Movement for Growth.

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